Monday, June 3, 2024

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Cambodian villagers organize unique oxcart race in effort to revive ancient tradition: AP photos

In Romduol Village, Cambodia, hundreds of villagers gathered for a rare oxcart race to celebrate the arrival of the lunar new year. This event marked the Khmer Lunar New Year and the end of the rice harvest, with participants riding oxcarts pulled by two oxen along a dirt track, cheered on by spectators. The race featured fifty pairs of oxcarts from four provinces, highlighting the importance of the oxcart in Cambodian culture, especially in rural areas where it has been used for transportation and farming for centuries.

The race aimed to revive this centuries-old tradition as tractors and motorized vehicles threaten to replace the oxcart. For many participants, like first-time attendee Khem Rithy, a teacher, and his students, the event was an opportunity to celebrate and preserve Cambodian culture. The oxcart race showcased the unique customs and practices of the region, drawing attention to the importance of preserving traditional ways of life.

The event received positive feedback from locals, with many expressing a desire to see more cultural events like this in the future. As Cambodia continues to modernize and develop, events like the oxcart race serve as a reminder of the rich history and traditions that make the country unique. With the success of this year’s race, there is hope that more efforts will be made to protect and promote Cambodia’s cultural heritage for future generations to enjoy.

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